Use Case - SAP IDM
SAP roles
Review SAP access rights
Organize your rights review
To ensure that users have the appropriate rights for their business function, it is recommended that a user rights review be performed periodically.
SWAWE CCM allows you to schedule these checks periodically, indicating which organization performs the check and who validates it, in what way (described and detailed procedure), and on what periodicity.
A SWAWE report can be included in the CCM task procedure to provide a synthetic view of identities, accesses, organizations and associated business functions.
The proof of control is entered into SWAWE CCM and the information is tracked and available at all times.

Launch corrective actions
If the person in charge of the review detects an inconsistency during this review, then he/she will have the possibility to write in the CCM task the corrective actions to implement.
It can then put a status on the CCM task "Pending Action" so that the teams in charge of authorizations can take the necessary action.
Once the actions have been completed, the person responsible for the task can then set the status to "closed".
Contents related to this use case
Solution CCM
Auditors regularly point out deficiencies in the performance and monitoring of ITGC controls in the 4 categories: Systems Access, Data Access, Change Management and Developments, and Operations.
One of the main challenges of ITGC controls concerns the perfect mastery of the user management process: having the ability to prove that this process is clearly described in the appropriate procedures, respected and traced!