User case

How to exceed your SAP security and compliance objectives?
Adova Group, French manufacturer of high-end bedding, produces mattresses, box springs and decoration for the Tréca© and Simmons© brands.
Company size
5 production sites and 881 employees in France.
International presence
Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, Poland, Tunisia, Romania, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, China and Great Export.
Key issues
- Number of SAP users with extended rights too high
- High risk of fraud
About Adova Group
Founded in 2016, Adova Group, a French manufacturer of high-end bedding, produces the mattresses, box springs and decoration of the Tréca© and Simmons© brands.
The group employs more than 800 people on 5 production sites, anchored in their regional territories. It has an international reach with a presence in about ten countries and a turnover of 160 million euros in 2021.
Committed to an ambitious CSR approach through its Resources program, Adova Group relies on its expertise and artisanal know-how to offer environmentally friendly solutions and innovations adapted to the needs of each sleeper throughout the world.
"Sleep well to live better
ADOVA Group decided in 2020 to undertake a process to optimize SAP rights management following an audit that revealed areas for improvement related to user rights.
Solution proposed by SWAWE
The proposal to use the SWAWE solution during the audit phase was accepted and allowed the team to automate the risk analyses to assess compliance with the principles of separation of duties (SoD).
" The implementation of SWAWE has considerably strengthened our SAP security management and our consideration of SOD risks for our 280 users. The implementation of "SUPER-USERS" with approval processes for IT employees, allows us to assign permissions in a meaningful way. Customized reports meet our needs and allow us to track our SOD risk level for all SAP users."
Stéphanie RAHIER,
DSI Groupe – ADOVA
ADOVA Group has now made SAP authorization management more reliable after an overhaul of the roles and continues to improve security by gradually deploying SWAWE modules.
In particular, the risk management module has significantly reduced segregation of duties conflicts and ISD rights are now under control with the Privilege Access Management module.
The CCM module will soon cover ITGC periodicals.
ADOVA Group plans to extend its use of SWAWE to automate and secure the management of SAP users => This would represent a definite return on investment.
Key figures
- 452 PAM sessions
- 465 users under control
- 2000+ roles under control
- 87% SOD risk reduction